Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the age range on the norms for the Fepsy?

A. The age range is from about 7 (children must be able to read simple words in the recognition tests) until 70.


Q. In which countries were the norms collected?

A. Normative Data have been collected in Europe , mostly The Netherlands, U.K. and Scandinavia.


Q. How large is the normative sample?

A. The numbers vary somewhat dependent on the test. Controls about 250, epilepsy above 1000.


Q. About how long does this test take to give?

A. Fepsy is not a test, but a battery of tests which will normally not be used in total for all patients. Reaction time tests (30 items) will last about 3 minutes, vigilance about half an hour.


Q. What is the test retest interval?

A. Test retest interval can be immediately as we do in our EEG matching continuous presentation of items).


Q. What are the domains tested?

A. The domains are alertnes/concentration/attention, short term memory, motor performance, problem solving, visual information processing, visual half field, rhythm perception, timed picture naming and a few questionnaires on memory complaints and neurotoxicity.


Q. I installed Fepsy. After filling in patient data I can't continue.

A. Windows protects the "Program Files" directory. If you don't have rights as Administrator, install Fepsy anew, but not under "Program Files".
